We all need a pantomime

to remind us what is real

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Moscow is definately one of the craziest cities, I´ve ever experienced. It´s just... controversial. I was born and grew up here, it´s my home and I love it above all. Even after 25 years I don´t stop wondering, and there are a lot of places here which remained undiscovered for me. Moscow is a fashion podium, full of arrogant and selfish people, Moscow can be superficial. Moscow is not Russia. Its a metropole, incredibly expensive metropole, which is on the move ALL the time.
But there is another face of this incredible city, away from tourist routes. With a smaller museums on the rivers, breathtaking cathedrales and smaller churches between the houses. Walkings on the promenade with a sweet smell of chocolade by the biggest chocolate factory in the country. Trips with the boot through the city. Fantastic repertoire in the bigger and smaller theatres and music halls. Crazy and funny cafes and caffee-houses for almost no money, with crazy drinks and crazy rituals. By the way - forget the prejudices about wodka drunk russians - at least in Moscow. You will hardly find the people who drink it, and if yes - then mixed in funny drinks (or you ever tried out wassabi wodka?;)) ) And of course warm and best private parties behind the closed doors.

However it is said "It is not easy to win a Russian as a friend, but if you do - he stays it forever". If you do, we´re yours.


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